Yeeeha! Just stepped off the train and now heading down to the street level. There's quite a lot of action round here tonight, buskers and street performers doing amazing stunts like breathing fire and and what not. I have decided to take a night trip to one of Sydney's historic areas. Heading down the main road I notice many shops, pubs and places to eat on the sides of the street, as well as a walkway next to the harbour on my right, and some old looking buildings. I continue down the main road until I reach the 'Australian', a pub, where I stop and enjoy a nice cold beer, and some live music. I then do a loop and up a hill till I see a park just under a bridge.Somewhere else in the area find a place where i can take a 'ghost' tour of the so called 'haunted' areas of this historical area, Yikes! What was that? Where am I?